Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We leave on Friday as soon as Jason gets off work which will be 11 at night- not looking forward to the drive. I'm driving the first part so that Jason can get some sleep and then he'll finish the drive. We are so excited to go back to Myrtle Beach. The girls love it there and so do we! This time we're staying in some friend's of Jason's parents house. Everyone will have their own bedroom including the girls!!!! We can't wait to take the girls back to the Boardwalk and I can't wait to do some shopping at the outlet malls. Jason is hyped about the all-you-can eat seafood buffets there, can't say that I blame him. We going to celebrate my birthday there. Since my family were visiting at that time we're going to go out to eat and see a movie, we're also going to celebrate our anniversary. Wow- it's hard to believe it will be 13 years!

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