Saturday, August 20, 2011

Our DC trip

This is where the plane hit, (I was allowed to take a picture of this).

Let me just say that 9/11 has changed everything which I'm sure everyone knows. I had a hard time with how it changed the Pentagon. We couldn't even take a picture of it and this was a place where my dad worked for 10 years. My sister and I ran up and down the corridors by ourselves. Dad drove to work 2 hours each way for 7 years and if we had a doctors appointment we had to spend the day with him. If he had meetings to go to he would put us on a tour, I'm pretty sure that Chanda and I could give the tours by the time he retired!! I wanted the girls to go on a tour but found out that I was suppose to arrange it 9-21 days out from the date we were there.
We had a good time in DC. We walked from 9:30 in the morning until 9:30 that night. Karissa gets to go this year with her 8th grade class but she now says she doesn't want too. I guess we wore her out on the walking. It was good to go back since I hadn't been there in 11 years. Its still the same well with the exception of the reflecting pool being gone. I did find out that they are in the process of repairing a leak in it.
On the 2nd day there my sister, Jason and their kids and my mom came with us!
I am very proud of my dad and what all he accomplished. He was in the Air Force for 21 years.

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