Thursday, August 20, 2009

Life raising a preteen girl

It is so nerve racking raising girls and the first born is the hardest because we don't have anyone to ask for advice and she's our guinea pig. She came home yesterday asking "again" if she could shave her legs. She said all her close friends do. I was planning on letting her if she made the swim team, but then yesterday happened. I remember being in 6th grade when I shaved my legs for the first time. So I talked to Jason and we're going to go ahead and let her.

Then she wants a facebook page so again Jason and I talked and we agreed that she could go ahead and have one but I need to be in the room when she is on it. We're going to talk to her about only accepting kids that she knows -not a stranger. This year so far has been full of challenges with her mainly letting her have more freedom. For example I let her and a friend ride their bikes to certain points in our neighborhood. It's hard finding the balance on letting go just enough so that we're not treating her like a baby but hanging on just alittle bit longer. Man it was so much easier when she was a baby and toddler.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm not ready for that! Good thing I have a few years! I know - they'll go by fast.