Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jason's job

Well we've been blessed because so far this week Jason has worked 3 days. I say this because he didn't get a pick list-which is a route for the week, so that means he's on call. We've been through this before, but the difference now is that I'm not working. We're hoping that we just need to get through this until the end of March and then he will get a pick list because all the vacations start.

The great thing is that we knew about this so he took 2 weeks off, at the end of Jan through the first week of Feb. So we know he will get paid. He also is going to paint the foyer, living room and all of the upstairs. YEAH!!

We found out that if he goes back down to package cars because of not working he can't come back up to feeders until a bid opens up and it could take 2 years, but our other option would be for him to work in the building for 2 shifts week by week. He would just have to be laid off for a week before that happens.

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